So, after yesterday's Torts midterm, I felt a bit off-beat. I listened in to other classmates discussing their possible hit or misses (which I hate doing, btw), and inwardly cheered for the common answers we all shared hoping that that meant we were all correct. I grabbed dinner with my LSB (law school bestie) and then we headed back to school to study for the Civil Procedure midterm less than 24 hours later.
Lemme just say that I pretty much thought I was making the CivPro exam my B!%#& by the end of the night (around 1:30 AM is when we left school). I drove the 45 minutes through a nasty night rain, listening to Freer CivPro audio on Trials and Appeals. RIGHT before bed, I broke out a Q&A workbook to review quickly.....and frowned at some stuff that wasn't familiar.
I had a horrible night's rest.
Woke up, showered, and left for school around 7:30. The exam began at 9:00. Like I usually takes me about 45 minutes to get there.
Of course, though, this is MY life and I get stuck in traffic that moved at 5 mph the ENTIRETY of the beltway commute....despite the fact that I have YET to run into that kind of traffic all year! I text classmates furiously, take a detour......only to be stopped by EVERY. SINGLE. RED. LIGHT.
I arrived in the exam at 9:20. With time to setup my computer, read over the exam while the software loaded, I had a whopping 30 minutes to complete an 8 page fact pattern with 7 essay questions.
Yep. 7 essay questions when I have difficulty writing law school exam essays.
And the best part? The fact pattern centered around a plaintiff with MY first name who had difficulty taking exams and wanted to sue the exam administrator!!
At the close of the exam, I obediently closed my work and submitted it....depressed that I didn't even get to complete it....only to find that some of my classmates were STILL working after having been told to stop. And I was PISSED.
I went home.
And that, dear reader, is what made me return to blogging.
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